Treatment for varicose veins

UGS treatment for varicose veins involves the injection of a medical solution (sclerosant) into the incompetent veins. The veins are carefully selected and visualized throughout the procedure using a Duplex ultrasound.  The treatment takes approximately 30 minutes and a number of injections are usually needed, causing a slight burning sensation that usually only lasts a few minutes.  A tight stocking will be applied after the treatment and the vein will undergo fibrosis over the next few weeks.  The body will eventually absorb the sclerosed vein.

What to expect

1. Initial consultation

All patients will require an initial consultation with the treating doctor so that a comprehensive medical history can be obtained and a detailed clinical evaluation of the venous system can be performed.

2. Duplex ultrasound examination

A Duplex ultrasound examination will be requested and carried out by a certified vascular sonographer. This assessment uses state of the art technology to assess the type and extent of your venous disease. This ultrasound examination is risk-free, has no side effects and causes no discomfort.

3. Treatment plan

The treating doctor will then discuss all findings, possible treatment options and costs with you. A personalised treatment plan will be recommended.  All costs up to this point will be bulk-billed through Medicare, so there will be no out-of-pocket expense prior to commencing treatment.

4. Procedure

If you decide to proceed with UGS treatment, the procedure will involve a series of injections under ultrasound guidance, followed by a brisk walk. Some patients report mild discomfort during treatment.  The entire treatment generally requires an hour out of your work day.

5. After treatment

You will be required to wear compression stockings for 2 weeks after treatment, but you can return to normal daily activities immediately.

6. Personalised follow up plan

You will be required to attend an ultrasound scan two weeks after your treatment, then a further ultrasound scan and review with the doctor will occur around 4 weeks after treatment. Your response to treatment will be assessed at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why should I choose Vein Care SA?
  • How much does treatment cost?
  • Are my veins too big for sclerotherapy treatment?
  • I am not in pain, should I still have my veins treated?
  • Can I have my veins treated for cosmetic reasons only?
  • Will my vein treatment be covered by Medicare if cosmetic?
  • Will the treatment be painful?
  • How many treatments will I need?
  • Is surgery more effective than sclerotherapy?
  • Will my veins come back after treatment?
  • I have had vein surgery previously; can I now have sclerotherapy treatment?
  • Are men treated for varicose veins?
  • At what age should I treat my varicose veins?
  • What type of ultrasound scan is done at VCSA and why is this important?

See all FAQs

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Your initial consultation and assessments can be bulk-billed through Medicare, incurring no out-of-pocket expense.

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